Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Get Out of Town

Getting out of town: it's not as easy as you think.

Not counting all of the work we have done on the Philadelphia end, when it is finally time to pack up to leave SLC, the heavy lifting begins.

First there is work.  Everything must be transferred to someone else.  

Both of us wear a lot of hats, 

and each hat must find a new owner.  Who wants this one?

The idea is to minimize loose ends.

Then there is the house to get ready.  Although our kids are going to live there intermittently, still, rooms that haven't been cleaned for a while...

...must be cleaned.

Also, sensitive documents have to be shredded before they can be captured by the enemy.  Thanks for the experienced help, Jim.

The two cats--too old to be drugged and moved across country--found refuge in Grandma Grace's ark.  More space and attention there than they ever had with us.  They-and Grandma's dog-are adjusting nicely.

Then there are a lot of funerals to attend, mostly our own.

It is not easy to say farewell to friends of 20 years.  Fortunately my friends at work know what I like: notice the quarter ton of Good-N-Plenty (aka vitamin L) in the bowl.  Also notice the pound of addicting Spitz sunflower seeds--dill flavored--that got us across Nebraska....

The packing always takes more time and boxes than you figure.

But after days and weeks of packing and planning, it is time to load the big yellow truck.

We had more space than I expected, but enjoyed playing Moving Box Tetris. Everything locked in tight and didn't move for 2000 miles.  Very proud of that.

Truck loaded, car loaded, ready to roll and...
flat tire on the car trailer.

That set us back four hours, because the tire repair guy couldn't find the address.

Tire fixed, on the road.  Philadelphia, here we come!

A big shout out and hardy thanks to everyone who helped us get out of town. There were so many that it almost seemed like you wanted us to just get gone. 

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